Thursday, August 15, 2013

Success is in the Smile

The fall isn't just a fresh new start for kids making their way back to school, it's also a popular time to explore the job market and search for a new position (or at least just see what's out there). As important as your qualifications and communicative abilities are in an interview, so is your appearance. Dressing for success and keeping your personal hygiene up to par can go a very long way (check out this great interview outfit from Men's Wearhouse pictured below)!

Personal hygiene can actually be the difference between getting the job you want, or missing it by a hair. Being clean and well-kept is a sign of discipline and a window for employers into your life outside of work. Having bad breath, yellowing teeth or any food visibly lodged in your teeth can keep you from being hired. 

The job market is more competitive than ever, and with the economy in it's current state, even the securest of positions can be up for grabs. Every little edge can make the difference, and coming in for a cleaning and whitening treatment will put you in a better position for success. Do your teeth need more than just a standard cleaning? Come in for a consultation to discuss cosmetic dentistry options like veneers.   

A happy, confident person will always have the edge over someone who doesn't smile and make eye contact. It really does remain true that a great smile can go a long way! 

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