Thursday, June 20, 2013

Breathe Easy - 5 Ways To Ward Off Bad Breath

Many of our patients come to us with dental questions and issues that affect their day-to-day lives. One of the most common topics we hear about is bad breath. It's a problem that results in insecurity and frustration, but lucky for our patients, it's also an issue that can be helped through proper oral care. We want to share five tips that can combat bad breath, and debunk the myth that there's no simple solution to do so.

1. Brush AND floss more than you already do.
Do you currently just brush and not floss? We definitely suggest adding flossing into the mix. Do you brush and floss twice a day? Try doing it three times, once after each meal.

2. Stop smoking.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of bad breath. Cigarettes dry out your palette and leave smoke particles in your throat that can linger with a tobacco-like smell for hours. Not only that, smoking stains your teeth and deteriorates your gums. 

3. Steer clear of onions, garlic, and spicy foods.
These foods, in particular, are known to cause bad breath. Even brushing and flossing right after consuming these foods can often not help defeat their potency. For patients that already deal with bad breath issues, we suggest staying away as much as possible. 

4. Keep your tongue clean.
Bacteria that causes bad breath is often sitting on your tongue. Keeping that surface clean is crucial, and we suggest using a toothbrush or a tongue scraper to do the trick. By incorporating this into your regular brushing and flossing habits, it will become second nature. 

5. Stay hydrated. 
Drinking water isn't only important for your overall health, it's important for your breath too! Keeping your palette wet and salvia flowing is necessary for a clean and healthy mouth. If food particles sit for too long without being washed away, it's a recipe for bad breath. Even rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash can help.

Have you followed these steps and seen results? Let us know in the comments section below! And remember, we're always here for our patients to help with any issues that may arise. Keep having a wonderful Summer and breathe easy!  

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