Thursday, July 18, 2013

Flossing 101

Flossing is an important part of your daily routine. It loosens up plaque wedged between your teeth and is a great defense to help fight against gum disease and tooth decay. All in all, we're big fans of flossing, and always advise our patience to make it a habit. 

We always want our patience to get the most out of their dental health routine day to day. So we'd like share 3 tips for flossing the right way.

1. Position Yourself
Wrap the floss around both middle fingers and grip the floss between your thumbs and pointer fingers. Make sure you're working with around 20 inches of thread each time your floss. More is more when it comes to floss!

2. Be Kind
It's all about being gentle. Don't forcefully push the thread into place. Once you've positioned the floss between your teeth, lightly curve the thread down, then up, around the sides of each tooth.

3. Stay At It
Consistency counts when it comes to flossing. It's a great habit to get into every day, and once it's a part of your daily routine it really becomes second nature. Plus, the more your teeth and gums are used to flossing, the less painful the process will be as your gums become stronger. 

So position yourself, be kind to your gums, and stay at it - soon you'll be a flossing pro!

'Filling you in'

We have two brand new members to our Toms River Family Dental Team! We couldn't be more thrilled.
  • Harry is our new, full-time dental assistant and he's already a patient favorite! So happy to have him as a part of the family.
  • Dr. Jesse Hofer is our new board certified Periodontist! He'll be at our practice every Thursday and many Fridays. We're very excited to have him with us!

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