Thursday, September 26, 2013

Diabetes, Your Mouth, and You

Do you suffer from diabetes? It's a disease many Americans face every single day, and it's one that can really take a toll on your oral hygiene too. We always encourage patients with diabetes to take extra care and see us more regularly, and today we'll explain why.

When you have diabetes, the issue is two fold. The first issue comes into play because having high blood sugar naturally encourages more bacteria growth in your mouth. The second issue exists because you not only are more likely to have more bacteria in your mouth, but you also have less of an ability to fight it off. So therefore, both of these factors contribute to a heightened occurrence of gum disease in patients with diabetes. 

Keeping your mouth at it's healthiest and cleanest is a huge contributor to your overall health, especially in the case of patients with diabetes. Since any infections can make your blood sugar rise, keeping a healthy mouth can be imperative to keeping your diabetes under control. 

When you come to see us, always let us know if you have diabetes and what medications you're taking. Very regular check ups from us and professional cleanings will be imperative to keeping your mouth healthy and your teeth at their peak. We'll also advise the best ways for you to care for your teeth and gums outside of our chair :)

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